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August 2010 in a nutshell…
Lots of rehearsals….lots of travel….lots of rock ‘n roll. The band and I were very busy this past month. Between working the kinks out of our new arrangement, touring out east and last but not least preparing the songs for my next recording – well, sleep has come at a premium. It’s all good though – I can sleep when I’m dead.
We spent 9-days on the road in early August touring out to the east coast. In total we visited Ft. Wayne, IN; Cleveland, OH; Boston, MA; New York, NY; Pittsburgh, PA; Columbus, OH; Decatur, IL; Mendota, IL (The Mendota Sweet Corn Festival); and my hometown – St. Charles, IL. It was a whirlwind of shows (10 in 9 days), and a lot of driving. But my trusty Ford E-150 (aka “The Triton”, “The Bus” or “Old Blue“) stood it’s ground and went the distance for us. We made a lot of new fans and received the strongest response I’ve ever received on tour. The newly refurbished Long Haul is making quite the impact (if you’d like to get a chance to see what I’m talking about visit my MySpace page for show dates – http://www.MySpace.com/DanTedesco).
I took a few days off after our tour to relax and get my mind focused on rehearsals/recording preparation. The last couple of weeks have had me consumed with arrangement ideas, track listing ideas and physical rehearsals with the band. I cannot wait to lay down these new songs. The band is really excited about the new material and I personally feel it’s some of my most original stuff to date. It’s going to be a leaner recording than the last one, but it’s gonna be raw and it’s gonna rock. More info regarding release dates and such will be on its way soon.
I hope you’ve all been well and have lots of great memories as we wind down Summer 2010 and ease into the cool relief of fall. Rock on.