Hittin’ the Road…

(Sunrise in NW Indiana, Oct 2009)

Touring season for 2010 will wind down beginning this week, and carrying through next week. We’ll be pulling out of Chicago this Wednesday to wind up through Madison, WI – Minneapolis, MN – Duluth, MN – La Crosse, Wi landing back home for a couple of days and then rolling out for a couple of shows in Kearney, NE and Des Moines, IA. This will also mark the end of any major touring behind my current album, “Starin’ at a Green Light”. That album was released in March of 2009, and in the last year and a half we’ve covered over half the country touring behind it.

Over the course of the tour we’ve made new fans and friends, seen new parts of the country, been inspired for more songs, had one good solid blown alternator in the middle-of-nowhere Wamsutter, WY, consumed copious amounts of terrible (but cheap) food….and played a hell of a lot of shows. And as this album’s tour crosses the finish line, the whole process starts to put out the next one…title and official release date TBA.

For those interested, you can follow me on these last tours of 2010 via my Facebook artist page (http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Dan-Tedesco/176304244465) or Twitter (http://www.Twitter.com/Dan_Tedesco). See ya on the road….Rock on.

– Dan

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